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Insider Guidelines

In its operations, the company complies with regulation EU No. 596/2014 on market abuse (MAR) and the Finnish Securities Markets Act, as well as related regulations and guidelines issued by the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), the Finnish Financial Supervisory Authority and Nasdaq Helsinki.

The company’s Board of Directors has confirmed the company’s insider guidelines based on Nasdaq Helsinki’s guidelines for insiders. The insider guidelines define certain practices and decision-making procedures to ensure that the company’s insider administration is organized consistently and reliably.

The company divides insiders into two categories: a) managers with a reporting obligation; and b) project-specific insiders. Managers with a reporting obligation include members of the Board of Directors, the CEO and members of the group’s Management Team. Managers with a reporting obligation cannot trade in the company’s financial instruments during a period before the publication of the company’s interim reports and financial statements releases, starting 30 days before the publication of the interim reports and financial statements releases (“closed window”). Project-specific insiders cannot trade in the company’s financial instruments before the project in question has ended.

In addition, the company has decided that persons who are party to the preparation and drawing up of the company’s interim reports and financial statements releases cannot trade in the company’s financial instruments during a period before the publication of the company’s interim reports and financial statements releases, starting 30 days before the publication of the interim reports and financial statements releases (“expanded closed window”). The expanded closed window also applies to persons who, as a result of their work-related tasks, have access to the group’s sales figures or to sales figures of a business unit that is significant for the total results of Scanfil Group as a whole.

As a result of the entry into force of MAR, the company no longer has any public insiders. From July 3, 2016, the company will publish, in a stock exchange release, all business activities carried out by managers with a reporting obligation and their related parties in the company’s financial instruments in accordance with MAR.