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Share subscription price and market value of Scanfil plc’s stock options 2022BI and 2022BII


Scanfil plc     Stock Exchange Release     1 December 2023 at 2.00 p.m.

Share subscription price and market value of Scanfil plc’s stock options 2022BI and 2022BII

On 27 October 2023, the Board of Directors of Scanfil plc decided to distribute stock options 2022BI and 2022BII to key personnel of the group. The Board of Directors decided on the stock option plan on 27 October 2022, by virtue of an authorization granted by the Annual General Meeting of the company on 21 April 2022.

The subscription price of shares subscribed with the stock options 2022BI and 2022BII is the trade volume weighted average quotation of Scanfil plc share on Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd during the period of 1 November 2023 – 30 November 2023, which is EUR 7.81 per share. The share subscription price of the stock options 2022BI will be reduced by the amount of share capital distributed per share and, subject to the Board’s decision, by the amount of extra dividends and assets distributed from the reserve for invested unrestricted equity per share. The stock options 2022BI and 2022BII entitle their owners to subscribe for a maximum total of 400,000 new shares in the company or existing shares held by the company. The share subscription period of the stock options 2022BI and 2022BII is 1 May 2026 – 30 April 2028.

The theoretical market value of one stock option 2022BI and 2022BII is approximately EUR 1.91 per stock option. The theoretical market value of the stock options is approximately EUR 764,000 in total. The theoretical market value of the stock options has been calculated by using the Black & Scholes stock option pricing model with the following assumptions: share price EUR 8.04, share subscription price EUR 7.81, risk-free interest rate 2.70%, expected dividend yield 2.69%, validity of stock options approximately 4.5 years and volatility 31.18%.

The terms and conditions of the stock options 2022 are available on the company’s website

Scanfil plc
Board of Directors

Additional information:
Chairman of the Board of Directors, Harri Takanen
tel. +358 8 4882 111

Scanfil is an international manufacturing partner and system supplier for the electronics industry with over 45 years of experience in demanding manufacturing. Scanfil provides its customers with an extensive array of services, ranging from product design to product manufacturing, material procurement and logistics solutions. Vertically integrated production and a comprehensive supply chain are the foundation of Scanfil’s competitive advantages: speed, flexibility and reliability.

Typical Scanfil products are modules or integrated products for e.g. self-service application, automation systems, wireless connectivity modules, climate control systems, collection and sorting systems, analyzers and environmental measurement solutions. Scanfil services are used by numerous international automation, safety, energy, cleantech, connectivity and health service providers, as well as companies operating in the field of urbanization. Scanfil’s network of factories consists of 9 production units in Europe, Asia and North America. More information about the company:
